Paraplanning Request Form Type of Document Required LIMITED SOACOMPREHENSIVE SOA If not using an investment platform please specify individual products and fees as appropriate Fees to be Disclosed SoA Preparation: Cash Reserve Investments (Ordinary)Direct sharesDirect propertyManaged fundsOther- Amount $ Gearing Against homes - Amount $Margin Lending - Amount $ Debt Non deductibleDeductible Insurance LifeTPDTrauma Capital Gains Tax Rollover Concessions- small businessRedeemed investments Superannuation Rollover ExistingUndeducted ContributionsDeductible ContributionsSpouse ContributionSalary Sacrifice Retirement Income Allocated PensionAnnuity (ordinary)Annuity (ETP)Growth pension Centrelink Age PensionNew startPartner allowanceOther Income Protection Self Managed Super FundAccumulationPension Recommended Strategy Investment Recommendations Investment Recommendations Investment Recommendations Risk Recommendations Level of Cover SteppedLevel Further information that may assist with the preparation of this plan Notes and Strategy recommendations I Agree with the paraplanning service guidelines, and understand that: The accuracy of the plan is dependant on the information supplied by me; The standard turn around time are in accordance with content requested, and have referred to the pricing schedule for more details, The information is accurate and up to date, I am responsible for reviewing my work before presenting it to my client/s, Do not allow paraplanner to engage in any liaison with my client. Acknowledge that the content is appropriate for my clients needs, and I will be charged directly for this work. Acknowledge that I take full responsibility for the plans contents. Will supply my paraplanning services will all required information- fact find, statements, client schedules, etc; What is 2 + 4? Submit